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Scientific Literacy

Boyle, PLLC

It is important to effectively communicate complex scientific concepts to both highly technical professionals and to lay audiences.  Jim Boyle, the founder of Boyle, PLLC, has been successful in both arenas.  

Jim has attended professional scientific conferences for over thirty years, beginning as a graduate student in physics and continuing to today.  Moreover, after completing his Ph.D. in physics in 1991, Jim was awarded a prestigious three-year post-doctoral fellowship at the newly-created Institutue for Theoretical Atomic and Molecular Physics at the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics.   In April 1993, Jim organized a workshop at the Institute, inviting some of the leading atomic theorists in the world to attend and contribute to a textbook on theoretical many-body physics.  That book, Many-Body Atomic Physics (Cambridge University Press, 1998), is still in print today.

Jim then had the opportunity to serve as physical sciences editor on the staff of the American Heritage Dictionary, collaborating on, among other publications directed to lay audiences: The American Heritage Stedman's Medical Dictionary (Houghton Mifflin Company, 1995),  Dictionary of Computer Words, Revised Edition (Houghton Mifflin Company, 1995), and The American Heritage Book of English Usage (Houghton Mifflin Company, 1996).

More recently, as an attorney, Jim has both taken and defended depositions of technical experts, and has effectively presented complex scientific problems and solutions.  In one instance, in deciding an issue in favor of Jim's client, the Patent Trial and Appeal Board noted that “a trial is, first and foremost, a search for the truth.” (Cited in "Edmund Optics, Inc. v. Semrock, Inc., Granting Motion to Submit Supplemental Information IPR2014-00599," National Law Review, Tuesday, May 12, 2015, available here.)

For information about the Legal Expertise of Boyle, PLLC, please click here .


• Three-year post-doctoral appointment as Fellow at Harvard’s Institute for Theoretical Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics, 1991-1994. 
• Served as associate editor on the staff of the American Heritage Dictionary, 1994-1996. 
• Served as editor-in-chief of the Virginia Journal of Law and Technology, 1998-1999. 

Professional Activities

• American Bar Association Section of Science and Technology Law (vice chair, Nanotechnology Committee, 2010-2011; chair, Nanotechnology Committee, 2008-2010) 
• American Physical Society 
• American Chemical Society
• American Mathematical Society 

Scientific Education

• University of Virginia Graduate School of Arts and Sciences Ph.D., Physics, 1992 
• University of Wisconsin-Parkside B.S., 1986

Related Professional(s)

James J. Boyle, Ph.D., J.D.   

